Large Marl Marsh complex mostly under a conservation easment by the TNC. This particular piece is the Lehrer CE along a tributary of Evitts Run. The Area is N of Evitts Run. The community adjacent to the S is a Schoenoplectus angulatus fen (JEFF.24). To the N is a degraded Eupatorium maculatum - Carex pellita - Carex stricta wet meadow with dominance by Typha. For more context see plots JEFF.22 and JEFF.23.;Dense shrub thicket of carolina willow and silky willow. The shrubs average 2 m in height. The shrubland floor is uneven with the shrub clusters and sedge tussocks creating hummocks. The lows have bare mucky soil and standing water.
Small linear patch of a mixed willow shrub swamp. Plot takes up the entire patch.