The area is somewhat protected. It is on the edge of a wilderness area. The upland is covered with a dense spruce forest over Kalmia latifolia.;Mid-successional transitioning between a more open "bog" community (Eriophorum virginicum / Polytrichum - Sphagnum) to an alder type. All of Dolly Sods was timbered 100 years ago. The area was then burned causing much of the soil to erode. There is an interperative trail and a boardwalk opening the area up for hikers. There are several spur trails leading from the boardwalk into the "bog". Our community is separated from the open bog by a small moat full of Juncus effusus and Glyceria canadensis.
This community occurs in small patches on the edge of a more open "bog" community and an Alder thicket. This community is larger and contains alder unlike the Carex folliculata patch we surveyed at Big Run Bog (MONF.109).