Finger off of large herb wetland. Wilderness Area. Herb / moss wetland surrounded by spruce forest grading from wetland woodland to upland closed canopy forest. Spruce swamp woodland adjacent to plot has Vaccinium myrtilloides, Kalmia, and Sphagnum in understory. (see plot MONF.135);Seepage slope above large open wetland ("bog"). Herbaceous community dominated by patches of Carex gynandra and Carex echinata ssp. echinata mixed with many species characteristic of the bog (Eriophorum, Vaccinum oxycoccos). Dead spruce snags in plot apparentlly killed by seepage (seep burn) - seen elsewhere in this wetland complex.
Nearly entire patch of community in a narrow finger draining into larger wetland. There are several of these Carex gynandra seeps in Fisher Spring Run.