This open wet woodland is surrounded on all sides by a dense Picea rubens forest which grades from Picea rubens / Rhododendron maximum to Picea rubens / Vaccinium erythrocarpum. The trail is located approx. 30 m south of plot center.;Mid-successional spruce woodland. I believe that this remains a woodland because it is too wet for the Picea rubens to grow except on the large hummocks. Many of the lowest spruce branches are dead. There are lots of signs of game, trails and scat mostly from deer and bear. The area was historically logged and subsequently burned. The area is surrounded by upland spruce forest owned by the Monogahela National Forest and are therefore subject to logging.
Small patch swamp woodland. Reminds me of the spruce woodlands at both Big Run and Condon Run Bogs (MONF.102 and MONF.108). Only this is more open. Little or no Rhododendron maximum. Also reminiscent of a Picea rubens bog plot that Elizabeth and I did alo