The forest surrounding this community is mostly Picea rubens - Betula alleghaniensis / Dennstaedtia punctilobula. There are several open Deschampsia fexuousa glades, Crataegus grasslands and open rock bars interspersed throughout the Picea forest.;Young spruce forest. Cored a 25 cm Picea (56yrs). The forest is very open with all the T2 trees mostly even aged. The T2 trees are growing on Bazzania carpeted downfall. There are several low areas in the plot. These "hollows" are blanketed with Sphagnum. The community is almost devoid of forbs. The forest here was historically logged and burned. Charcoal was observed in a Deschampsia opening approx 50 m south.
Small patch community. I am unsure of whether this is a typical occurrence. On the trail here I did notice that the Picea rubens/ Vaccinium erythrocarpum occurred both over Sphagnum and hay scented fern. In the ferny areas the Vaccinium was less dominant.