The wetland is surrounded by an upland Picea rubens / Vaccinium erythrocarpum forest. There is a road which runs on three sides of the wetland E,S, and W.;Mid-successional shrubland. There is a forest service road approx. 75 m southwest of plot center. The plot doesn't have any active beaver sign. However, I believe these trees and shrubs are stunted and dying do due inundation caused by beaver. There are a few cuts here and an old dam located 100 m northwest. The only threat I can see is potential logging of the upland forest above the wetland. The area was historically logged and burned.
This is a small patch shrubland. It appears quite similar to the shrubland plot I did at Mt Porte Crayon/Roaring Plains (MONF.136). This plot differs by having Ilex collina (a species tracked by the heritage program) and Rubus sp (probably invading from t