This hummock community is bordered by Whitmeadow Run on one side, and is surrounded by Hypericum densiflorum / Sphagnum shrubland. The open wetland is bordered by a mature second growth Spruce / Rhododendron forest.;Mid-successional? Well developed Polytrichum hummocks indicate that this community has probably been stable for some time. No apparent disturbance other than deer tracks. This area could potentially be logged in the future. A forest road runs about 300 m east of the plot. Carex and Scirpus grow mostly in hollows. Hummocks are mostly pure Polytichum, except for a small percentage which formed over dead wood. Old down trunks and remnant stumps dot the plot. Wood in the soil profile also.
Plot encompasses almost the entire Polytrichum hummock community in the open part of Whitmeadow Run wetland. There are many smaller (<100 meter squared) stands of almost pure Polytrichum hummocks in the adjacent wet woodlands. Gaultheria hispidula is abun