Bowl/saddle on ridgetop of Middle Mountain. FS road is 20m uphill from plot and old farmstead opening is just upstream. Upland forest of cherry, beech, hemlock with abundant cove of spring ephemerals possibly indicating nutrient-enriched soils.;Long, narrow seep with overhanging trees, and trees on "islands" and "peninsulas". Most trees have elevated root stocks and buttressed trunks. Herbaceous layer dominated by Veratrum viride with Viola cucullata in full bloom and Carex scabrata scattered and in dominant patches. Plot slopes from both ends to drain out a small channel at center of seep. A second drainage leads out from southern end of plot. Barriers: EO within same drainage or separated by <100m of unsuitable habitat. Processes: seepage keeps trees from invading, windthrow of trees, saturation allows organic soil to build up under reducing conditions. Minimum EO size: perhaps 100 sq m.
Most of small patch of seep with additional smaller patches not within plot, and discontinuous in patches along small stream.