Spruce - hemlock forest borders this community on the upland side and on the meander levees, mixed with Betula alleghaniensis and Crataegus on the levees. The forest is mostly dry, with needles and Lycopodium on the forest floor under a dense canopy. Lower spots have moss openings or ferns between levees.;This seep/channel lies between the East Fork Greenbrier trail and the river (where fishermen walk) but it appears quite undisturbed. It runs between numerous meander scrolls and natural levees in a fairly intact hydrological setting. The community is maintained by combination of medium energy overflow during floods and seepage from uplands.
Long linear seep in overflow channel of East Fork Greenbrier River. Combines some elements of riverscour (Carex torta, flotsam) with elements of toeslope seep (Carex scabrata, etc.) in a good natural setting. This may well be typical of the condition of m