Cranberry glades Botanical Area. Away from plot grades to smaller size trees with increased Betula. Towards creek are Alder shrublands and herbaceous wetlands. Swamp signature is of largest seen, but is likely to include several age classes.;Seepage swamp with Picea rubens on hummocks and levees which form an open canopy over a dense tall shrub canopy of Rhododendron maximum. Heavy ground cover by bryophytes with Rhizomnium occupying wettest hollows, Sphagnum in intermediate positions, and Bazzania trilobata on hummocks and wood. Cored 3 large spruce = >150 years (pre-settlement)!
Plot is centered on area with a canopy of medium - large spruce trees. Outside of plot grades to smaller size trees and increasing cover by Betula alleghaniensis. May be climax forest type.