Hiway is below plot and site is noisy. Below ledges on colluvium is a red oak - basswood forest with a more lush herb layer. North aspects on limestone support a basswood - sugar maple forest.;Southwest aspect on Greenbrier limestone. Although geology is mapped as limestone and rock reacts with acid, soil are quite acidic. Forest on residual soils just above a bedrock ledge. Forest is dominated by second growth red oak and shagbark hickory with scattered black walnut. Sugar maple is abundant in subcanopy. Herb layer is dominated by the rhizomatous sedge Carex woodii. Very little shrub layer or tree regeneration probably due to heavy deer browsing.
Typical of south aspects on Greenbrier limestone. Some areas have monodominance by red oak or shagbark - this plot combines both. Plot resampled by JV on August 8, 2007 to capture late season herbs.