Across the drainage is a cleared field. Upslope the mixed mesophytic forest continues for at least 100 meters. The ridge above the plot is a sterile red oak/hay scented fern forest. There is an old road ~30 meters below the plot. Indian Run is located ~60 meters below the plot. The rich mixed-mesophytic community continues to the south for several hundred meters where it changes to red oak/hay scented fern and then an old field. Between the road and the run, the forest is dominated by tulip poplar.;Rich mesic forest dominated by large scattered overstory trees with a lush herbaceous layer. The forest is growing on limestone geology. That coupled with the northern aspect makes this forest rich and diverse. There are several old tip mounds and decaying logs in and around the plot. A large amount of age class diversity.
Large patch of mixed mesic forest on northerly aspect. Plot was placed to sample where the geology is mapped as limestone.