Plot is placed in the middle of Sleepy Creek. Downriver ca 80m is a road bridge. To the east is a steep weedy bank CR 9/3. To the W is a tall herb community. A power line crosses above the community. Upstream ca 150m is plot MORG.10.;Plot is a linear patch of Justicia intermixed with Ptilimnium. The river bottom here is made up of undulating bedrock running parallel with Sleepy Creek. The Justicia and Ptilimnium are growing in cracks in the bedrock. The lower half of the plot is more depostional with the Ptilimnium growing intermixed with Rhyncospora capitella on loam.
Small discontinuous patch of Justice americana - Ptilimnium growing in cracks of bedrock stratat. Plot was placed to sample Ptilimnium on bedrock as opposed to cobble MORG.6 and 8.