Adjacent deciduous forest on floodplain has tulip tree, sugar maple, and buckeye with leatherwood in the understory. Upland forests on north aspect are hemlock dominated, with rich (with basswood) and sterile (with rhododendron) versions.;Small floodplain at the mouth of a now dry tributary into a larger creek. There are levees, channels and swales formed in sandy alluvium. Floodplain has patchy variation with evergreen and deciduous forest - this plot samples evergreen patch. Forest is dominated by large white pines and hemlock with sugar maple and black gum, over giant rhododendron and hemlock regeneration. Nice older forest with high size class and species diversity.
Small patch of floodplain forest around mouth of tributary to Anthony Creek - This is an evergreen component, similar to hemlock floodplain forest but with white pine codominance - similar forest is across creek adjacent to road.