Large tract of private and federal land under multiple ownership. Much of the USFS tract is land locked by private land. Up slope ca 0.2 miles is Champe Rocks (see plot MONF.569). Downslope ca 0.14 miles is the N Frk S Br Potomac River. The area from here to the river is mapped as limestone.;Open woodland dominated by Quercus rubra - Acer saccharum / Ostrya virginiana / Taenidia montana. Hot and dry with an open canopy. Trees are short in stature. A few stumps are visible in the stand. Many appear to be Juniperus virginiana. This plot contains at least three plant EO's. The first is the Taenidia ( >100 plants in fruit), the second is shale barren bindweed ( > 70 plants veg), and Paxistima (15 veg shrubs, <1 dm tall).
Small patch of red oak - sugar maple / hophorn beam / Mountain pimpernell limestone woodland. Simialr to plot sampled up river near River Knob, only that plot had several Eastern red cedar in the community.