Large tract of forest land managed by the USFS Monongahle National Forest. The midslopes are heavily dominated by white oak - white pine forest and the drainages are mostly red oak - sweet birch / great laurel. The Meadow Creek Mountain Trail is located ca. 30 m SE of the plot along the ridge.;Mature stand of oak - hickory forest with large fire scarred Quercus prinus and Q. rubra. Some of the large oak trees may also have been hit by gypsy moths, with many of the upper branches missing leaves. Also there is a large amount downfall from fallen branches from the larger oaks. There is a large S2 component with Q. rubra and Acer rubrum heavily represented.
Large patch of somewhat poor oak - hickory forest. Dominated by chestnut oak - red oak and red hickory. Plot was placed to sample forest type with less dominance by white oak and white pine, the matrix forest type in the area.