River marsh to the north, south, and east. Upland forest to the west. Glady Fork is about 100 m to the east across a river marsh and low levee.;Relatively undisturbed (no bare ground or trampling present), heavily shaded swamp behind levee. Trees with buttressed roots. Almost no herbaceous cover. Abundant mosses, pools of standing water and down wood. (10/26/2004 At the time of this revisit Glyceria melicaria was identifiable growing in the edges of small pools in the plot. It is most likely the vegetative Glyceria from the first visit, only now it has considerably more cover.)
Representative of similar stands along the Glady Fork. This is the largest and most uniform we have seen of this type today. (10/26/2004 At the time of the revisit Glyceria melicaria was identifiable growing in the edges of the small pools in the plot. It
Overall Taxon Cover Values are Automatically Calculated?
Plot Quality Fields:
Plot Validation Level
(2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
Floristic Quality
Bryophyte Quality
complete (species >=1% cover)
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields:
--no data--
Misc Fields:
Observation Narrative
Tsuga canadensis - Betula alleghaniensis - Picea rubens swamp forest; This plot was revisited by BPS on 10/26/2004. More photos were taken with the Olympus digital camera.