The wetland has a small trail running along the SW edge. The river is located ca 50m SW. There is a silver maple floodplain forest located between the oxbow and the river. There is a rail trail 30m to the NE of the plot, beyond which is the Core Arboretum.;Open and sunny herbaceous wetland dominated by Sagittaria latifolia and Leersia oryzoides. The wetland is located in an old oxbow channel paralleling the Monongahela Rive. There are several deer trails meandering through the wetland. Many of the herbs are heavily browsed. There is a culvert on the NE edge of the wetland causing lots of sedimentation. The wetland is being filled up. There is also an establishment of S2 woody species in the sedementation zone as well as weeds from the rail grade.
Linear patch of an herbaceous wetland occuring in an old oxbow channel of the Monongahela River. Plot was placed to exclude the woody species along the edges.