Uphilll, old growth patch continues with dominance by red and white oak. Downhill shifts to calcareous soils which support more chinquapin oak and ash. Below that is younger forest on old clearing with calciphiles including hackberry and walnut, Further downhill is successional and old growth floodplain forests.;Steep shale slope near end of spit at bend in river. Old growth forest dominated by large oaks with sugar maple in subcanopy. Near geologic break with putative acidic strata uphill and calcareous strata downhill. Lots of very large snags, tip mounds, and down wood. Abundant deer may be part of reason for successional shift towards sugar maple. Fire scars on wood and big oaks.
Small old growth forest patch which crosses geologic transition zone. Uphill is dominated by red oaks and ground flora indicating acidic substrate. Downhill is a band of limestone and forest includes calcareous indicators (see plot NERI.354). Although thi