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» Citation URL: http://vegbank.org/cite/urn:lsid:cvs.bio.unc.edu:observation:20523-{18A380CB-7C88-463E-A0A6-971AAB650177}
» Citing info
Plot ID Fields: 
Author Plot Code ? 095-NERI-0495
Author Observation Code ? 095-NERI-0495
Location Fields: MAP: Google | Yahoo | TopoZone | MapQuest
Confidentiality Status ? 100 km radius (nearest degree)
Latitude ? 38 º
Longitude ? -81 º
State or Province ? West Virginia
Named Places
county: Fayette
region|state|province: West Virginia
Layout Fields: 
DSG Polygon ? 1 (X) x 37 (Y)
Shape ? Transect
Area ? 37
Permanence ? not permanent
Environment Fields: 
Elevation ? 601 m
Slope Aspect ? 280 º
Slope Gradient ? 101 º
Topographic Position ? Upper slope
Landform ? Bedrock outcrop/cliff/bluff
Surficial Deposits ? sandstone
Rock Type ? sandstone
Landscape Narrative ? Rimrock and gorge slope cliffs in a deep gorge cut by a high energy river. Cliff tops often have narrow zones of conifer dominated forest. Below the cliffs are mostly deciduous forests. This area is one of the most popular climbing areas in West Virginia.;Sandstone cliff face above a deep gorge cut by the New River.
Representativeness ? Plot data compiled from transects sampled by Pete Clark (WVU Geography MS student). Transects are 2 m wide and run down the cliff face and are subsampled by 2-5 1m2 quadrants. Species abundance for vascular plants was recorded in the field as # plants pe
Percent Bedrock ? 90 %
Percent Rock / Gravel ? 0 %
Percent Wood ? 0 %
Percent Litter ? 0 %
Percent Bare Soil ? 0 %
Percent Water ? 0 %
Percent Other ? 0 %
Methods Fields: 
Observation Start Date ? 05-Aug-2010
Project ? West Virginia NHP
Cover Method ? Percentage (%)
Stratum Method ? National Park Service
Taxon Observation Area ? 37
Overall Taxon Cover Values are Automatically Calculated? ? no
Plot Quality Fields: 
Plot Validation Level ? (2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
Floristic Quality ? complete
Bryophyte Quality ? complete (species >=1% cover)
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields: 
--no data--
Misc Fields: 
--no data--
Taxa occurring on this plot-observation
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Observation Contributors:
Party ?Role ?
Clark, Pete Field assistant
Community Classification:
No communties have been assigned to this plot.

Disturbance Data:
Disturbance Type ?Disturbance Intensity ?Disturbance Comment ?
Other disturbance   Cliff NOT used for recreational climbing

User Defined Values
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