This plot represents the beginning of the midslope community dominated by Quercus spp. and Carya. There are also many moister low slope species present here. The area below this plot is Acer saccharum/Aesculus flava community. Below this community, along Pinch Creek, is the Tsuga canadensis/Betula allegheniensis/Rhododendron maximum community.;This plot is on a very rocky, steep south facing hillside. The area is fairly moist considering its aspect. This is probably because of the very narrow valley in which it's contained.
This plot is at about midslope on a south facing hillside. It is somewhat between the moister Acer saccharum/Aesculus flava community below and the dryer Quercus spp. above. At the very bottom of the slope is Pinch Creek. The community along Pinch Cree