Large privately owned wetland complex along Muddlety Creek. On the eastern edge of the wetland is an old railgrade, on the western edge is Rd 19-41. The railgrade is located 50m E and the road is 340m W. Muddlety Creek is located ca 130m W. The communities observed so far are a Salix woodland, Polygonum hydropiperoides herbaceous opening, Leersia oryzoides and Scirpus cyperinus.;Dense shrub swamp dominated by Alnus serrulata growing over a lush, tall herb layer represented by Polygonum saggitata and Cinna latifolia. There are several well worn deer trails in the plot and many of the herbs have been browsed.
Large, discontinuous patch of alder swamp growing along the floodplain of Muddlety Creek.