Scirpus cyperinus with patches of willow surround this community., which is in a 50-acre cattle exclosure. Outside the exclosure is grazed pastureland.;Clonal patch of Rhamnus alnifolia with abundant tall herbs and graminoids. Patch is adjacent to E6 stream. Young round patches of willow dot the perimeter of this community. 50-acre cattle exclosure was constructed 6 years ago. Since the exclosue was built 6 years ago, exotics have decreased markedly. Presence of peat in the deeper soil probably represents the deep organic soils present in the original swamp. Clay layers may be result of 100 years of cattle trampling.
This clonal patch is expanding since the exclosure was built. It may once have been a component of a balsam fir - spruce swamp on this site 100 years ago.