The plot is in a narrow patch between the Tygart river north and a large pasture to the south. The plot is located on the upstream end of a large horeshoe bend in the river. The floodplain on river right is a mosaic of forested swamps, old ox bows, floodplain forest and pasture. See plots from area.;Linear patch of floodplain forest growing on a high terrace. The forest is dominated by scattered sycamore in the overstory and a dense understory of box elder. The forest floor is covered with wood nettle and Verbesena alternifolia .5-1 m tall. There are a few scattered stalks of Alliaria petiolata. The forest is growing on deep sandy alluvium. There is a steep 5m drop to the river at the edge of the plot. Most of the box elder are bent and leaning towards the river. Some are even lying on the ground.
Narrow patch of a sycamore/box elder/stinging wood nettle floodplain forest. Similar to plot sampled along the Tygart River in Beverley. Here it is much less weedy and disturbed.