Mitigation wetland in Leading Creek floodplain along Rt. 219 with chaotic mosaic of early successional and weedy communities: Alder-Buttonbush along drainages, cattails in low areas, and near road, burreed sloughs, very large Scirpus cyperinus wet meadows, and Enthamia graminifolia wet meadows.;Grass/tall herb community with small shrub component. Exotics and weeds present in low amounts. As hydrology stabilizes, shrub cover will probably increase over time and exotics will likely diminish. This is part of the natural floodplain of Leading Creek but flood control measures may have eliminated natural overflow regime. No evidence of flooding apparent. Wetland was "restored" about 10 years ago, but loss of plug in draniage tributary appears to have caused drying.
Plot was placed to sample dominant graminoid wet meadow at this mitigation wetland in the floodplain of Leading Creek.