Privately owned island in the middle of the Shavers Fork River. Both sides of the river are mostly privately owned and used primarily as timber land. The higher terrace of this island ranges from red oak - beech - sugar maple forest to successional tulip poplar forest. The slopes above the river are rich limestone forest types w/ sugar maple - basswood- red oak / stinging wood nettle. There is an active rail grade above river left. The train is a tourist train that goes from Elkins to the High Falls of the Shavers Fork and back.;Flood scoured forest community on the upstream end of a high water river island. The overstory is predominantly Acer saccharum and Platanus occidentalis. Much of the forest floor is exposed sand and cobble. Some of the diagnostic herbs include Erigeron pulchellus, Brachyelytrum aristosum, Pedicularis canadensis, and Aconitum uncinatum. There are several low growing Ilex shrubs within the plot which could possibly be Ilex collina.
Slightly larger than a plot sized patch of a sycamore-sugar maple floodplain forest. Similar to types sampled on the Shavers Fork, Dry Fork, and Buckhanon Rivers. Also observed along the Greenbrier River below Cass.