Occurrence is on the upper ridge of a west-facing high interfluve. It continues somewhat to the south along the road and also below the road to the west. As the aspect changes on all sides, the pine cover grades somewhat abruptly to mostly upland hardwoods (oak-hickory).;Pine cover is interrrupted in some places by oak-hickory cover. There is a mosaic of a few bare shale areas, a few openings covered by Carex and CLadina, and more open under-canopy occupied by scattered Vaccinium clumps. Site is cut by an unpaved road, and Oenothera argillicola, Trifloium virginicum and Calystegia spithamea are on the cut.
Plot is fairly representative of this mosaic-type occurrence in that it contains part of a Carex/Cladina gap and a good amount of Pine cover with vaccinium.