Occurrence is on a very steep and high slope facing WSW and directly undercut by a stream where the vegetation becomes much more herbaceous. The top of the ridge is dominated by a more developed mixed pine-hardwood forest with a substantial organic layer in the soil and scattered Vaccinium low shrub cover. The slope overlooks a small valley floor used for agricultural purposes. As the aspect of the slope changes on the SE and NW sides, the cover grades abruptly to upland hardwood forest.;Very steep slope with loose, cascading shale fragments-some loose piles of fragments have accumulated. Even pine cover with a few chestnut oaks, although there are a few gaps due to rock outcrops and very steep slopes.
The plot is a bit more pine cover than the norm for the site. Also, Clematis albicoma was only located once-not in the plot. Calystegia spithamea and Helianthus laevigata were located but were sparse and not in the plot. Also Solidago arguta var. harri