Sidehill to east with change of aspect (more mesic) grades to deciduous forest with lush herb layer, then with another aspect change and apparent change in geology to Pinus virginiana with Vaccinium pallidum. To west is also a more sterile (acidic) oak/pine forest.;Putative calcareous shale on side ridge spur with south aspect. Short woodland dominated by oaks (Quercus stellata, Q. rubra) and hickories (Carya ovata, C. glabra) with scattered somewhat taller Pinus virginiana and Juniperus virginiana. Sparse shrub layer with Juniperus virginiana (browsed?). Fairly dense herb layer dominated by Carex pensyvanica and Opuntia humisfusa. Some shale barren "near endemics" are present (Scuttelaria ovata var. rugosa, Paronychia montana, Antennaria virginica).
Small patch confined to ridge shoulder with south aspect.