Buffered by oak forest in large roadless section of Sleepy Creek WMA. A fisherman's trail runs along Meadow Branch within 50m of plot. Microstegium infestations are common and hemlock is stressed or dying throughout this area.;Small patch of forested wetland in the floodplain of Meadow Branch, lying between the mountain slope and the stream channel levee. This swamp receives toeslope seepage and flood overflow. Microstegium is laregly absent from this patch, in contrast to other moist locations along Meadow Branch. Flood hydrology is altered by Sleepy Creek dam about 4 miles upstream, but tributary flows below the dam presumably retain some natural flood regimes. Bryophytes are restricted to hummocks.
Plot was placed to sample forested wetland (small patch) along Meadow Branch. This is the best patch, although very small, that we have seen to date. Dominant oak is perplexing. Quercus coccinea in adjacent sterile uplands has lower branches turned down