Large tract of state land managed for recreation by the Division of Parks. Upslope to the southeast is a large patch of successional black cherry forest. Downslope ~150m is a small intermittent tributary of Tomlinson Run. Across the drainage is Washington Road. Much of the forest observed in the park is oak-hickory, oak-hickory-sugar maple, red oak-american beech/eastern hemlock and lots of successional black cherry- red maple.;Young somewhat mesic forest growing on a moderately steep midslope. The overstory is a mostly red oak and shagbark hickory with lots of sugar maple coming up. There is a moderate herbaceous layer consisting mostly of whitesnake root and Dryopteris spinulosa. Most of the wind-thrown branches are lying uphill.
Small patch of rich oak-hickory-sugar maple forest on northwest facing midslope.