Across oxbow is an open field. Most of the forest on the island is successional Platanus occidentalis - Liriodendron tulipifera. There is a thin annual community this plot and the open bare cobble of the oxbow. There is another small patch of prairie on the very upstream tip of the island. Unsure of the ownership of the island. Could be Mon. National Forest although I am calling this plot TUCK.22. We are very close to the Preston County border.;Thin band of prairie running parallel with a currently dry oxbow. The oxbow channel appears to have water in it most of the year (no annuals growing in the middle of the channel, ca 100m across). Our community located ca. 150m from the upstream end of a large island. The community is hot and dry. The community is subject to frequent flooding throughout the year. There is a small amount of garbage washed into the plot.
Small patch of a cobble bar prairie. The plot covers the entire patch. Area was surveyed to sample like community types to those found at Camp Dawson, Preston County. This is similar to plot surveyed on the upstream end of Volkstone Island.