Privately owned forested floodplain. Much of the floodplain has been logged and is now successional tulip poplar/multiflora rose/stiltgrass. With the exception of swamp white oak forest which is located in the middle of the alluvial terrace. To the east ~150m is an open hayfield to the west ~150m is Middle Island Creek.;Quercus bicolor/Carex intumescens-Cinna arundinaceae/Sphagnum forested swamp growing in an old oxbow depression of Middle Island Creek. There are old stumps scattered throughout the depression. Much of the plot appears to be subject to ponding with the lowest areas almost void of vegetation. There is some herbivory to the S2 layer. The stand appears to have been selectively logged in the past.
Large patch of swamp white oak growing in an old oxbow. This is one of the largest examples of this we have sampled and even though it appears to have been selectively logged it is one of the nicest. The only better one is the Chua property in the Tygar