The forest southeast of the plot is an older Oak forest (Quercus prinus, Q.alba, Q.coccinea) stand with lots of heaths in the shrub layers (Kalmia latifolia, Gaultheria procumbens, Gaylussacia baccata). To the northwest is similar in species (see USFS.122,123 and transect sheet 28).;Young plot, growing next to road, not much overstory Quercus prinus, Quercus coccinea, Quercus alba, and Carya glabra. A lot of understory trees Cornus florida, Hammamelis virginiana, and lots of seedlings. (On the transect sheet leading up to the plot John Bender refers to a "young site" having dbh >5.0. He refers to this site as a "young plot". I would assume this is a regenerating timber cut. An even aged woodland. BPS 1/14/2005)
Plot data from USFS spreadsheets and shapefiles. Original files on disk and in Plotdata/USFS directory. Numerous taxonomic assumptions made, since taxonomic data consisted only of 4-letter USFS code. Two partial USFS translation sheets for these codes