See plots USFS.334,335. Transect bearing 44 degrees. Chains 1-12 passed through an open cranberry "bog". Chains 13-38 entered an alder swamp dominated by Juncus effusus, Leersia oryzoides, Carex spp. and Glyceria spp.. Chains 39-49 are still within the alder swamp with the dominant species being Hypericum densiflorum, Thelypteris novaboracensis, Polygonum saggitatum, Carex crinita, and Carex spp.. From chains 50-66 passed through the edge of an "upland" forest dominated by Tsuga canadensis then re-entered the alder thicket. From chains 67-76 entered a Tsuga canadesis - Picea rubens forest. Crossed trail at chain 73. Last three chains are out of the RNA.;Plot is located on a flat broad ridgetop separating Picea rubens forest from riparian zone. The forest is dominated by Picea rubens and Acer rubrum. Patchy and sparse fern and forb layers represented by Huperzia lucidula, Lycopodium obscurum, and Carex spp..
USFS plots were placed at random points along a transect. This transect is 76 chains long. A chain is 20 meters long. This plot landed on a broad ridgetop separating the Picea rubens forest from the riparian zone.