See plots USFS.34,35. Transect goes up a rather steep hill for 9 chains. Then the grade decreases and follows a ridgetop, drop of ridge and cross a bench the transect hits private land and chain 60 and ends. The community is a Acer saccharum - Fagus grandifolia - Betula lenta - Prunus serotina / Dennstaedtia puntilobula - Viola rotundifolia - Lycopodium spp forest for the entire transect.;Sugar maple. Gentle sideslope dominated by Acer saccharum - Fraxinus americana - Prunus serotina, few seedlings and forbs. Thelypteris novaboracensis is the only fern.
Provisional Community Name is roughly approximated from the 3 species with highest percent cover. Plot data from USFS spreadsheets and shapefiles. Original files on disk and in Plotdata/USFS directory. Numerous taxonomic assumptions made, since taxonomi