See plots USFS.34,35. Transect goes up a rather steep hill for 9 chains. Then the grade decreases and follows a ridgetop, drop of ridge and cross a bench the transect hits private land and chain 60 and ends. The community is a Acer saccharum - Fagus grandifolia - Betula lenta - Prunus serotina / Dennstaedtia puntilobula - Viola rotundifolia - Lycopodium spp forest for the entire transect.;Sugar maple. Steep sideslope. Betula lenta and Fagus grandifolia are well represented. Several species of ferns are present. The dominant forbs are Oxalis, Mitchella repens, and Maianthemum canadense.
Provisional Community Name is roughly approximated from the 3 species with highest percent cover. Plot data from USFS spreadsheets and shapefiles. Original files on disk and in Plotdata/USFS directory. Numerous taxonomic assumptions made, since taxonomi