See plots USFS.42,43,44. Transect bearing 172 degrees. The transect started with a steep ascent until chain 25. Then the transect continued with a steep sideslope up to chain 42. The transect was a moderate slpe to the finish. The vegetation through the entire transect was fairly uniform. The lower section of the transect was more rich with an overstory of Acer saccharum, Tilia americana , and Quercus rubra. The upper portion of the transect was mostly a mixed oak forest (Quercus rubra, Q. coccinea, Quercus alba, and Quercus prinus.;Sugar maple-Basswood (high nutrient colluvial ecosystems in coves or ravines);Windthrow aspect 96 degrees. Steep rocky slope with lots of windthrow. Overstory is mostly Acer saccharum and Quercus prinus. Soil has an abrupt color change at 22 inches from yellow to red.
Provisional Community Name is roughly approximated from the 3 species with highest percent cover. Plot data from USFS spreadsheets and shapefiles. Original files on disk and in Plotdata/USFS directory. Numerous taxonomic assumptions made, since taxonomi