The plot is located near or in an area with maintained trails and boardwalks. Several hundred meters to the west there is a paved road, the traffic clearly audible from the site. There is a bird house on the western edge of the plot. Between us and the road is a thin patch of Cephalanthus swamp and then a forest with Q. palustris, Acer rubrum and Liquidambar. The forest is young and disturbed looking.;Large patch of Leersia and Carex dominated wetland. Many snags are present throughout the site, mainly Quercus palustris and Fraxinus pensylvanica. Trees were likely killed through either drying or wetting of the area. The area would have been a Q. palustris forest within the last 20 years. Now it is a wet meadow with a lush herbaceous layer.
Plot was chosen to capture the Leersia oryzoides / Carex lupulina community type at Winfield Swamp as part of the statewide vegetation classification effort. Plot represents a large herbaceous wetland.