Narrow (10m) strip of floodplain silver maple forest borders community and separates it from adjacent hayfield. On the oxbow side, the open water supports a Rumex community (WOOD.11). Part of remnant Ohio R. floodplain with gas wells, roads and agriculture. Bill Grafton called this the last natural oxbow on the Ohio River (Eye & Grafton 1982).;Frequently inundated shrub swamp of buttonbush and willow with high Lemna cover (on mud rather than water at this time - a dry spell). Shrub swamp borders open water of an old oxbow, which is no longer connected to Ohio River due to lack of flooding. Wetland is maintained by basin topography and poorly drained soils. Artificial berms (roads) truncated the oxbow in several places.
Plot was placed to sample shrubby margin of old oxbow, with willow mixed into buttonbush.