Large oxbow wetland on private land paralleling the Ohio River. There is a rail grade above the eastern edge of the oxbow. The oxbow itself is mostly a water lily patch over standing water (WOOD.8). Between the alder and the water lily is a thin strip of bur reed. The Ohio River is located ca 300m NW.;The shrubland floor has few herbs growing in the center under the tallest alder. The area is subject to flooding but the shrubland floor is only moist at this time. The edge closest to the oxbow is wettest and receives more sunshine. Therefore the highest species diversity in the plot is there. There are racoon and deer tracks in the plot. The community continues along the western edge of the oxbow for at least 1/2 of it's length. There is some deer browse on the Rumex.
Linear patch of smooth alder growing along a large oxbow of the Ohio River.