Four 10 x 10 m modules (subplot on the data sheets) were used to sample vegetation under 5 m tall by cover class in five strata (Herbaceous, Short shrubs <50 cm (including woody seedlings <50 cm), Tall shrubs 50 cm - 5 m (including woody saplings 50 cm - 5 m), Ground vines, Aerial vines) with Cover classes: 1=<1%, 2=1-<10%, 3=10-<25%, 4=25-<50%, 5=50-<75%, 6=75-<95%, 7=95-100%. Species present in plot but not in the modules were also recorded in strata, but no cover values were given for these. Species >5 m tall were sampled in the full 20 x 50 m (or 10 x 50 m) plot by stratum: Emergent, Canopy, Subcanopy, and sometimes Subsubcanopy and assigned cover classes: 1=<10%, 2=10-25%, 3=25-60%, 4=>60%. All cover classes were converted to closest CVS Cover code and midpoint percentage. Stems of each species were also tallied by diameter (dbh) class: <10 cm, 10-15 cm, 15-20 cm, 20-25 cm, 25-30 cm, 30-25cm, 35-40 cm .All stems >40 cm dbh were individually measured and diameters recorded.
Taxon Observation Area
Cover Dispersion
Overall Taxon Cover Values are Automatically Calculated?
Stem Observation Area
Stem Sample Method
Full census
Plot Quality Fields:
Plot Validation Level
(2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision