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Stem Observation Area
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(2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields:
--no data--
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Observation Narrative
narrow ecotone between depressional species and lyonia thicket; dense pondberry cover, tiny stems just repsrouting from fire, grading from within depression to within lyonia; tax. Ascendens, nyssa, and I. myrtifolia; depression to N full of Lachnanthes, dichanthelium, and the glaucous poaceae; also lyonia, clethra, and p. taeda; lots of white rhexia, little bit of diospyrus, liquidambar and persea; interesting that fire did not kill small pines - there are burn marks in depression center; thicket of lyonia to S, mostly burned stems right now but reaching 2m height; also vaccinium, large persea, many dead from burn, Q virg, and Q nigra