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» Citation URL: http://vegbank.org/cite/urn:lsid:ecoobs.vegbank.org:observation:9500-{898A694B-19E3-48B7-90C6-65D70B211FF1}
» Citing info
Plot ID Fields: 
Author Plot Code ? VIOLA.46
Author Observation Code ? VIOLA.46.2014
Original Data Location ? This observation was uploaded from NatureServe's Ecological Observations Database (EcoObs), version 27 May 2016. Some data values may be midpoints of EcoObs classes (e.g. stratum height, slope, aspect).
Location Fields: MAP: Google | Yahoo | TopoZone | MapQuest
Confidentiality Status ? 10 km radius (nearest 0.1 degree)
Latitude ? 41.6 º
Longitude ? -77.7 º
State or Province ? Pennsylvania
Country ? United States
Named Places
region|state|province: Pennsylvania
area|country|territory: United States
Layout Fields: 
Shape ? Square
Area ? 400
Permanence ? not permanent
Environment Fields: 
Elevation ? 450 m
Slope Aspect ? 270 º
Topographic Position ? Lowslope
Representativeness ? F. grandifolia ini tall/short layers is common in patches in forest upslope of plot.
Soil Drainage ? well drained
Percent Bedrock ? 0 %
Percent Wood ? 2 %
Percent Litter ? 32 %
Percent Bare Soil ? 0 %
Percent Water ? 0 %
Methods Fields: 
Observation Start Date ? 29-May-2014
Observation End Date ? 29-May-2014
Date Accuracy ? Exact
Project ? Pennsylvania Heritage Program miscellaneous data
Cover Method ? Percentage (%)
Stratum Method ? National Park Service
Plot Quality Fields: 
Plot Validation Level ? (2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields: 
--no data--
Misc Fields: 
Observation Narrative ? Stony (3-15%)
Taxa occurring on this plot-observation
Change plant label:
Change Strata Shown:
ord Author Plant Name ?Original Interpretation, full Scientific Name ?Original Interpretation, Scientific Name without authors ?Original Interpretation, Common Name ?Original Interpretation, USDA Code ?Current Interpretation, full Scientific Name ?Current Interpretation, Scientific Name without authors ?Current Interpretation, Common Name ?Current Interpretation, USDA Code ? Stratum ?Cover ?Original Cover Code ?Basal Area ?Biomass ?Inference Area ? Stems: Stem Diameters (graphically):
1 Acer saccharum Acer saccharum Marsh. Acer saccharum sugar maple ACSA3 Acer saccharum Marsh. Acer saccharum sugar maple ACSA3 Canopy
38 %
2 Prunus serotina Prunus serotina Ehrh. Prunus serotina black cherry PRSE2 Prunus serotina Ehrh. Prunus serotina black cherry PRSE2 Canopy
38 %
3 Quercus rubra Quercus rubra L. Quercus rubra northern red oak QURU Quercus rubra L. Quercus rubra northern red oak QURU Canopy
10 %
4 Acer saccharum Acer saccharum Marsh. Acer saccharum sugar maple ACSA3 Acer saccharum Marsh. Acer saccharum sugar maple ACSA3 Sub-Canopy
60 %
5 Fagus grandifolia Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. Fagus grandifolia American beech FAGR Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. Fagus grandifolia American beech FAGR Sub-Canopy
2 %
6 Acer saccharum Acer saccharum Marsh. Acer saccharum sugar maple ACSA3 Acer saccharum Marsh. Acer saccharum sugar maple ACSA3 Tall Shrub
19 %
7 Fagus grandifolia Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. Fagus grandifolia American beech FAGR Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. Fagus grandifolia American beech FAGR Tall Shrub
19 %
8 Ostrya virginiana Ostrya virginiana (Mill.) K. Koch Ostrya virginiana hophornbeam OSVI Ostrya virginiana (Mill.) K. Koch Ostrya virginiana hophornbeam OSVI Short Shrub
2 %
9 Fagus grandifolia Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. Fagus grandifolia American beech FAGR Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. Fagus grandifolia American beech FAGR Short Shrub
2 %
10 Rubus Rubus L. Rubus blackberry RUBUS Rubus L. Rubus blackberry RUBUS Short Shrub
1 %
11 Pinus Pinus L. Pinus pine PINUS Pinus L. Pinus pine PINUS Short Shrub
0.5 %
12 Hamamelis virginiana Hamamelis virginiana L. Hamamelis virginiana American witchhazel HAVI4 Hamamelis virginiana L. Hamamelis virginiana American witchhazel HAVI4 Short Shrub
0.5 %
13 Acer saccharum Acer saccharum Marsh. Acer saccharum sugar maple ACSA3 Acer saccharum Marsh. Acer saccharum sugar maple ACSA3 Short Shrub
0.5 %
14 Dryopteris intermedia Dryopteris intermedia (Muhl. ex Willd.) A. Gray Dryopteris intermedia intermediate woodfern DRIN5 Dryopteris intermedia (Muhl. ex Willd.) A. Gray Dryopteris intermedia intermediate woodfern DRIN5 Herbaceous
38 %
15 Polystichum acrostichoides Polystichum acrostichoides (Michx.) Schott Polystichum acrostichoides Christmas fern POAC4 Polystichum acrostichoides (Michx.) Schott Polystichum acrostichoides Christmas fern POAC4 Herbaceous
38 %
16 Viola rotundifolia Viola rotundifolia Michx. Viola rotundifolia roundleaf yellow violet VIRO2 Viola rotundifolia Michx. Viola rotundifolia roundleaf yellow violet VIRO2 Herbaceous
2 %
17 Viola blanda Viola blanda Willd. Viola blanda sweet white violet VIBL Viola blanda Willd. Viola blanda sweet white violet VIBL Herbaceous
2 %
18 Ageratina altissima Ageratina altissima (L.) King & H. Rob. Ageratina altissima white snakeroot AGAL5 Ageratina altissima (L.) King & H. Rob. Ageratina altissima white snakeroot AGAL5 Herbaceous
2 %
19 Carex communis Carex communis L.H. Bailey Carex communis fibrousroot sedge CACO7 Carex communis L.H. Bailey Carex communis fibrousroot sedge CACO7 Herbaceous
1 %
20 Festuca Festuca L. Festuca fescue FESTU Festuca L. Festuca fescue FESTU Herbaceous
1 %
21 Viola rostrata Viola rostrata Pursh Viola rostrata longspur violet VIRO Viola rostrata Pursh Viola rostrata longspur violet VIRO Herbaceous
1 %
22 Solidago caesia Solidago caesia L. Solidago caesia wreath goldenrod SOCA4 Solidago caesia L. Solidago caesia wreath goldenrod SOCA4 Herbaceous
1 %
23 Laportea canadensis Laportea canadensis (L.) Weddell Laportea canadensis Canadian woodnettle LACA3 Laportea canadensis (L.) Weddell Laportea canadensis Canadian woodnettle LACA3 Herbaceous
1 %
24 Maianthemum canadense Maianthemum canadense Desf. Maianthemum canadense Canada mayflower MACA4 Maianthemum canadense Desf. Maianthemum canadense Canada mayflower MACA4 Herbaceous
1 %
25 Prenanthes alba Prenanthes alba L. Prenanthes alba white rattlesnakeroot PRAL2 Prenanthes alba L. Prenanthes alba white rattlesnakeroot PRAL2 Herbaceous
1 %
26 Carex laxiflora Carex laxiflora Lam. Carex laxiflora broad looseflower sedge CALA19 Carex laxiflora Lam. Carex laxiflora broad looseflower sedge CALA19 Herbaceous
1 %
27 Arisaema triphyllum Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott Arisaema triphyllum Jack in the pulpit ARTR Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott Arisaema triphyllum Jack in the pulpit ARTR Herbaceous
1 %
28 Viola selkirkii Viola selkirkii Pursh ex Goldie Viola selkirkii Selkirk's violet VISE2 Viola selkirkii Pursh ex Goldie Viola selkirkii Selkirk's violet VISE2 Herbaceous
0.5 %
29 Smilax Smilax L. Smilax greenbrier SMILA2 Smilax L. Smilax greenbrier SMILA2 Herbaceous
0.5 %
30 Trillium erectum Trillium erectum L. Trillium erectum red trillium TRER3 Trillium erectum L. Trillium erectum red trillium TRER3 Herbaceous
0.5 %
31 Lysimachia quadriflora Lysimachia quadriflora Sims Lysimachia quadriflora fourflower yellow loosestrife LYQU Lysimachia quadriflora Sims Lysimachia quadriflora fourflower yellow loosestrife LYQU Herbaceous
0.5 %
32 Polygonatum pubescens Polygonatum pubescens (Willd.) Pursh Polygonatum pubescens hairy Solomon's seal POPU4 Polygonatum pubescens (Willd.) Pursh Polygonatum pubescens hairy Solomon's seal POPU4 Herbaceous
0.5 %
This table is SORTABLE. Click the headers to sort ascending and descending.

Stratum Definitions:
Stratum Type ?Stratum Base ?Stratum Height ?Stratum Cover ?
Sub-Canopy   28 m 60 %
Tall Shrub   8 m 40 %
Short Shrub   1.5 m 10 %
Herbaceous   0.8 m 60 %
Canopy   43 m 60 %
This table is SORTABLE. Click the headers to sort ascending and descending.
Observation Contributors:
Party ?Role ?
Schuette, Scott Author
Hnatkovich, Adam Author
Community Classification:
More Classification Start Date ? Community AssignmentsContributors
Details 29-May-2014
Community Concept ?Class Fit ?Class Confidence ?Community Authority Reference ?Typal ?
Northern hardwood forest       no  
No Class Contributors.
Details 29-May-2014
Community Concept ?Class Fit ?Class Confidence ?Community Authority Reference ?Typal ?
Acer saccharum - Fagus grandifolia - Fraxinus americana / Arisaema triphyllum Forest       no  
No Class Contributors.

User Defined Values
No User Defined Data for this plot