Stand is located 50 m east of the power lines just inside the north boundary of the Horning property in a valley bottom. The terrain is relatively flat with some cobbles in the plot possibly caused by the alluvial effect of water running down the canyon into the valley bottom. The unique (clay lens) soil type that exists here is the reason Monardella douglasii ssp. venosa grows in this location. This type of stand repeats in some of the valley bottoms throughout this ranch. The M. douglasii is dispersed evenly throughout the plot.; No grazing this year. This stand is heavily impacted by invasive exotic grasses which makes it difficult to understand what the trend is.
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(2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
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--no data--
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Observation Narrative
cited in Klein et al. 2007 as SNFN0358, Unusual species present: Monardella douglasii ssp. venosa: about 50 individuals in the plot. There is persistent bioturbation in the plot from cattle grazing in previous years due to the heavy clay nature of the soil.