Plot is along SW edge of Hastings Creek, about 1 mile SE of Pilot Hill, 100 meters SE of Old Fiord Rd., and 1/4 mile north of confluence with the South Fork of the American River. Stand selected in mixed hardwood riparian (Alder, Cottonwood, Oak) and conifer (Incense Cedar) woodland in a SE stretch of the creek, on a terrace above the main river channel that is representative of the stream corridor.; Game trails present. Young and mature Incense Cedar in stand, not significantly heavy flooding. Historic grazing (less than 40 years ago for at least 80 years) in area. Alder are regenerating in multiple trunks at the edge of creek and large piles of leaf litter are caught inside tree/shrubs at creekside.
wetland; Montane Riparian; Ticks and Morning Cloak Butterflies present. Hardwood deciduous trees have no leaves yet and some shrubs have leaves (Rubus discolor).