This stand is located at the western end of the Stone Ridge Ranch, about 30 m from the northern fence and 1/2 mile from the NE corner. The stand is a vernal pool edge community dominated by Blennosperma nanum, Lasthenia fremontii, and Deschampsia danthonioides. The stand contains a population of the rare Butte County Meadowfoam. The pool is especially filled with water due to recent heavy rain.; Lightly grazed once a year. Not yet grazed this year.
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(2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
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Observation Narrative
cited in Klein et al. 2007 as SNFN0427, Unusual species present: Limnanthes floccosa spp. Californica. About 100 individuals. The population occurs in a ring around this vernal pool.