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» Citation URL: http://vegbank.org/cite/
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Plot ID Fields: 
Author Plot Code ? 22
Author Observation Code ? 22
Location Fields: MAP: Google | Yahoo | TopoZone | MapQuest
Location Accuracy ? 999 m
Confidentiality Status ? exact location
Latitude ? 68.645972 º
Longitude ? -149.408181 º
Author Location ? Kuparuk River
Country ? United States
Named Places
Geographic Name: Dalton Highway
area|country|territory: United States
Layout Fields: 
Shape ? Rectangular
Area ? 60
Permanence ? not permanent
Environment Fields: 
Elevation ? 460 m
Topographic Position ? riparian zone
Soil Moisture Regime ? Wet
Organic Depth ? -9 cm
Methods Fields: 
Observation Start Date ? 01-Jul-1997 ± One month
Observation End Date ? 01-Jul-1997 ± One month
Date Accuracy ? One month
Project ? Willows_Udo Schickhoff (Schickhoff et al. 2002) (29 locations)
Cover Method ? Braun-Blanquet
Stratum Method ? No Strata
Method Narrative ? Relevé. Not a repeat sample. Environmental data from Dataset Author. 2014. Personal Communication Data not published, or published in a summary table. Data obtained directly from the author..
Plot Quality Fields: 
Floristic Quality ? Highest
Bryophyte Quality ? Highest
Lichen Quality ? Highest
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields: 
Nonvascular Height ? 2 m
Shrub Cover ? 80 %
Misc Fields: 
Observation Narrative ? Kuparuk River, south of bridge, right bank. This conspicuous low willow community is restricted in its distribution to humid and acid banks of upland tundra streams and creeks of the Arctic Foothills zone (roughly between 400 and 800 m). It occupies the immediate margins of smaller tundra streams originating in the gentle topography of the foothills, but does not occur in the Brooks Range. Character species include Salix planifolia ssp. pulchra, Valeriana capitata, Polemonium acutiflorum, Aconitum delphinifolium ssp. delphinifolium, Anemone richardsonii, Saxifraga nelsoniana ssp. nelsoniana, Climacium dendroides, Luzula rufescens. Environmental data are primarily from author with the remainder from Schickhoff et al. (2002) Tables 8 and 10. Google Earth latitude/longitude data are estimates made by L. Druckenmiller from the author's relevé location description and map. Entered by L. Druckenmiller and imported to TV by A. Breen, December 2014.
Taxa occurring on this plot-observation
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Observation Contributors:
Party ?Role ?
Schickhoff, Udo PI
Community Classification:
No communties have been assigned to this plot.

Soil Observations:
Soil Horizon ?Soil Depth Top ?Soil Depth Bottom ?Soil Color ?Soil Organic ?Soil Texture ?Soil Sand ?Soil Silt ?Soil Clay ?Soil Coarse ?Soil PH ?Exchange Capacity ?Base Saturation ?Soil Description ?
unknown         loam         5.5      

Disturbance Data:
Disturbance Type ?Disturbance Intensity ?Disturbance Comment ?
Human, general none Natural Vegetation

User Defined Values
No User Defined Data for this plot