Relevé. Not a repeat sample. Environmental data from Dataset Author. 2014. Personal Communication Data not published, or published in a summary table. Data obtained directly from the author..
Plot Quality Fields:
Floristic Quality
Bryophyte Quality
Lichen Quality
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields:
Nonvascular Height
Shrub Cover
Misc Fields:
Observation Narrative
Oksrukuyik Creek, located 200 m downstream of field relevé number 81. A tall willow shrub community, thissubassociation occurs onfloodplains and lower terraces of lowland rivers.Character species include Salix alaxensis, Epilobium latifolium, Aster sibiricus, Trisetum spicatum. Environmental data are primarily from author with the remainder from Schickhoff et al. (2002) Tables 5 and 10. Google Earthlatitude/longitude data are estimates made by L. Druckenmiller from the author's relevé location description and map. Entered by L. Druckenmiller andimported to TV by A. Breen, December 2014.