Cypress dome dominated by Taxodium ascendens (up to 70 feet tall). Understory predominantly Nyssa biflora (30-50 feet tall). Shrub layer more diverse with Myrica cerifera, Pinus elliottii, Lyonia lucida, and Itea virginica. Ground cover consists of Andropogon sp. and Woodwardia virginica. Ground is saturated and in some places (center of dome) water stands to about 1.5 feet deep. Water is tannin-colored, but clear. Large slash pine stumps observed. Cypress knees abundant, up to 2 feet tall and rounded. Dome is perfectly rounded in shape and is bordered by mesic flatwoods. Immediately next to dome area is planted? young slash pine. Further out, a well-burned, older slash pine-dominated mesic flatwoods occurs. Cat bird was heard calling. Pond pine also on outer ring.